Bikur Cholim

Helping. Healing. Caring.

our services



Accommodations should not deter anyone from supporting their loved ones. The Bikur Cholim accommodation apartments help anyone in need, from family members visiting their loved ones to patients who must be in close proximity to a hospital over Shabbos. Click here for more information.

dial a ride

dial a ride

Bikur Cholim understands that transportation arrangements can be challenging, especially to and from medical appointments. Our Dial-A-Ride service provides an inclusive, wheelchair-accessible means of transportation to comfortably assist the community with ease.

medical equipment

medical equipment

A well-stocked gemach is maintained by Bikur Cholim to lend medical equipment at no charge. Our inventory includes wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, bathroom equipment, and more.



Every day, over 40? delicious meals, catered to specific requests and dietary needs, are lovingly cooked in Yenta’s Kitchen. Our dedicated drivers deliver these C.O.R certified meals to local hospitals and homes. The well-balanced meals light up the lives of countless individuals.

power of attorney

power of attorney

Bikur Cholim empowers our community to rise above recent medical developments that violate halacha and personal values. Our patients' care should never be compromised due to treatment protocols. Rabbonim urge everyone to fill out this document to guard our autonomy and well-being.

family in crisis

family in crisis

Bikur Cholim helps everyone in need. If you or someone you know is experiencing a family medical crisis, call our office at 416-783-7983. A member of our clinical staff will schedule an intake as soon as possible.



Bikur Cholim is the primary support system for every community member, from admission to discharge and beyond. Our trained volunteer force regularly visits local hospital patients to alleviate their loneliness and infuse them with joy and hope. Fill Form for volunteer opportunities.


medical equipment

A well-stocked gemach is maintained by Bikur Cholim to lend medical equipment at no charge. Our inventory includes wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, bathroom equipment, and more.



Accommodations near hospitals are available for family members wishing to be near their loved ones or for patients who need to receive treatment over Shabbos.

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Dial a Ride

Dial a Ride

Bikur Cholim’s Dial-a-Ride’s Service provides transportation to and from medical appointments. In addition to our volunteer drivers, a wheelchair-accessible bus enables patients to be comfortably transported to and from medical appointments. The bus has been generously donated in memory of Mrs. Lily Gartner a”h, ,לאה בת אברהם ע"ה by the Sigler, Jacobowitz and Seidenfeld families.

Medical Equipment

Medical Equipment

Bikur Cholim maintains a gemach for free lending of medical equipment. Our inventory includes wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, bathroom equipment, and more.



Every day, approximately forty meals, catering to specific requests and dietary needs, are prepared in Yenta’s Kitchen. Dedicated volunteers deliver these C.O.R certified meals to hospitals and rehab centers. The wholesome meals, conveying caring and compassion, are a comfort to those receiving them. To arrange meals please can 416-783-7983 ext. 1.

Senior Services

Senior Services

Bikur Cholim supports seniors and helps keep them connected to the Jewish community. Our activities on behalf of seniors include friendly visitation, holiday events and weekly programming. Click here Click here for more information.

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Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney

To protect patients who are in a grave state and unable to communicate their wishes or values, Rabbonim have prepared a “Halachic Power of Attorney”. This document, designed specifically for patients in Canada, empowers individuals to make their wishes known in advance, and ensures that their wishes will be respected, regardless of their ability to communicate.


Family in Crisis

Family in Crisis

If you or someone you know is experiencing a critical family or medical situation, please call our office at 416-783-7983.

Kosher Pantries

Kosher Pantries

Bikur Cholim maintains kosher pantries in most of the local hospitals. Non-perishable food items and provisions to help patients and family members in the hospital over Shabbos, are available around the clock. For pantry directions and maps click below.

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Yom Tov Programs

Yom Tov Programs

Bikur Cholim ensures that members of the community will have a true Yom Tov experience. From beautiful Seder Plates for Pesach to custom made, hospital-safe menorahs for Chanukah, Bikur Cholim keeps these special days a source of joy for hospitalized and homebound patients.

Shabbos Candles

Shabbos Candles

Ushering in the Shabbos with candle-lighting is a weekly source of comfort and serenity. While hospital safety regulations prohibit open flames, Bikur Cholim ensures that patients can observe this mitzvah. Our battery-operated Shabbos candles are halachically and hospital approved.

Request Candles

Shabbos guide

Shabbos guide

Hospitalization on Shabbos generally involves a number of challenges. Our comprehensive reference guide, “Shabbos in the Hospital,” includes information regarding eruvim, gaining access, and kosher pantries in the respective hospitals.


Shabbos guide

Shabbos guide

Hospitalization on Shabbos generally involves a number of challenges. Our comprehensive reference guide, “Shabbos in the Hospital,” includes information regarding eruvim, gaining access, and kosher pantries in the respective hospitals.


Kosher Pantries

Bikur Cholim maintains kosher pantries in most of the local hospitals. Non-perishable food items and provisions to help patients and family members in the hospital over Shabbos, are available around the clock. For pantry directions and maps click below

shabbat candles icon blue overlay-2

Shabbos candles

Ushering in the Shabbos with candle-lighting is a weekly source of comfort and serenity. While hospital safety regulations prohibit open flames, Bikur Cholim ensures that patients can observe this mitzvah. Our battery-operated Shabbos candles are halachically and hospital approved.

Book blue fill white outline

Shabbos guide

Hospitalization on Shabbos generally involves a number of challenges. Our comprehensive reference guide, “Shabbos in the Hospital,” includes information regarding eruvim, gaining access, and kosher pantries in the respective hospitals.

Shabbos in the hospital

ways to donate

Tribute cards

To send tribute cards please click below or contact our office at

monthly/one-time donation

To make a donation please click below or contact our office at

A Day of Chesed

To sponsor of day of Chesed at Bikur Cholim please contact our office:

living legacy

For a living legacy please contact Mrs. Chaya Perman at

what people say

Now that  Dovid has completed his addiction rehab program and is back home, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and the whole Bikur Cholim team for all you have done for us. You were then, and continue today, to be a source of comfort by providing kosher food during those stressful times.

Up until my mother`s last months at home, she so much enjoyed the senior club – the general program, the outings, the delicious lunches, shared by old friends and new ones. She especially appreciated the phone call every week, inviting and encouraging her to come.

Thank you for making the Shabbos apartment available to us. Being able to visit my husband and be near him on Shabbos helped in easing our hearts at this traumatic time in our lives.

I woke up from surgery in Sunnybrook and awoke to find your note on my table. Thank you for providing Shabbos Licht. It is difficult to express how what a difference this made to my comfort level. It had been a frightening time and this bit of home was very nurturing.

I woke up from surgery in Sunnybrook and awoke to find your note on my table. Thank you for providing Shabbos Licht. It is difficult to express what a difference this made to my comfort level. It had been a frightening time and this bit of home was very nurturing.

Rosh Chodesh Benching

As many are still unable to attend communal shuls and miss the heartfelt services, here is a special rendition of the Tefilah recited on the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh, sung exclusively for Bikur Cholim by Mr. Shloimy Goldreich.